i-weather rhythms
Based on chronobiology and light therapy research (see references below), I-Weather acts as a kind of personal artificial daylight, oscillating over a 25-hour 7 minutes and 40 seconds period between minimum wavelength of 460nm (blue) and a maximum wavelength of 597nm (orange).
Scientists have shown that an intense blue light acts as a melatonin "blocker", which allows regulating the biological clock of the human body. Orange light on the contrary does not influence the circadian rhythms. It is therefore possible to go to sleep or to perform quiet activities (calm working, talking, reading, etc.) without disturbing ones internal clock.
Relying on these physiological facts, I-Weather proposes an artificial climate with a blue "day" and an orange "night" which satisfies the metabolic and physiological requirements of a human being in an environment partially or completely removed from earthly influences.
+ High Sensitivity of Human Melatonin, Alertness,
Thermoregulation, and Heart Rate to Short
Light, in: The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 90(3):1311–1316, 2000.
Christian Cajoren, Anna Wirz-Justice and al.
+ Evening exposure to blue light stimulates the expression
of the clock gene PER2 in humans,
in: European Journal of Neuroscience, pp. 1–5, 2006, doi:10.1111/j.1460-9568.2006.04613.x
Christian Cajochen, Corinne Jud, Mirjam Münch, Szymon Kobialka, Anna Wirz-Justice and Urs Albrecht.
+ Blue blocker glasses impede the capacity of bright light to
suppress melatonin production,
in: Journal of Pineal Research, 2006; 41:73–78, doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2006.00332.x
Alexandre Sasseville, Nathalie
Paquet, Jean Sévigny and Marc